The game has become a legend due to the Duke's personality - he is tough, angry, rude and has a regulary delivers commentary with his famous catch-phrases (one-liners like: "Hail to the king, baby", "I like a good cigar. You can even give stripper a dollar, and she will take down her top (yes, this game is definitely not for kids :)). First of all, there is a great interactivity - you can interact with many objects - a lot of things can be broken, destroyed, or interacted with. It is not just another mindless 3D action shooter, but the game has brought a lot of inovations.

Duke has to use guns, bombs, machine guns, rocket launchers, but also his foot to kill all alliens. Like the main character, the story goes straight to the point: futuristic Los Angeles is full of aliens and Duke is the only guy, that can handle this situatuion and send all alliens to. and I' m all outta gum." is just one of the iconic one-liners from the legendary game Duke Nukem 3D. "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.