The Default has better strength and range but is missing a few unneeded option (PO), while CM uses Bluz stack which gives you the option but you lose some BT signal strength and range. You can try a CM based rom that gives you those options but the stacks can't be swapped due to driver problems. XDA user zelendel, in general, isn't very hopeful about the matter - when asked if it was possible to replace the bluetooth stack he responded: He and the OP briefly discuss options for replacing the stack but their conversation dies without a concrete answer.as it seems several other similar questions around the web do. You may not be able to manually between 2 phones also because to stream one device needs to be A2DP sink and other other A2DP source phones are typically only source devices (source of the stream that can stream to sink devices), sinks are headsets or Bluetooth speakers. Stack Overflow user Dennis Mathews explains why: Dev0 and hello are correct - no you cannot connect using your Android device as a A2DP sink given the standard Android bluetooth stack.