I am a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, working on various tooling around container technology like Docker, Kubernetes, etc. So while running we do vagrant package -output $Box_name.Static Pods using Kubelet on Fedora Add new Maps to Counter Strike Recent Posts Fight Your Instincts - Your Default Behaviour is Hurting You OctoLearnings from 'Atomic Habits' OctoUnchanging Contexts and Degrading Productivity SeptemCertified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam tips SeptemLearnings from 'Sapiens' AugSee More Categories

It can only be used with other providers based on the provider set up and if it is supported by the provider. Package: This command packages a currently running VirtualBox environment into a re-usable box. What Vagrant does is basically acting as an abstraction layer/wrapper around virtual machines providers such as Virtualbox, VMware and libvirt, allowing us to build, provision and easily replicate virtual machines environments on different operating systems, using a common syntax. To remove boxes, we do vagratn box remove box-name To check if there is a new version of our box, we use this command vagrant box outdatedīox update: This commands updates the box to the latest available version. This is the command used to manage boxes. Vagrant Documentation Commands (CLI) box v2.3.4 (latest) Box Command: vagrant box This is the command used to manage (add, remove, etc.) boxes. Afterwards, your computer should be left at a clean state, as if you never created the guest machine in the first place. This command stops the running machine and destroys all resources that were created during the machine creation process. To suspend the virtual machine, you can run vagrant suspend To forcefully stop a VM, you can run vagrant halt This initializes the current directory to be a Vagrant environment by creating an initial Vagrantfile if one does not already exist. This will tell you the state of the machines Vagrant is managing.

Version: This command tells you the version of Vagrant you have installed as well as the latest version of Vagrant that is currently available. What follows is a collection of often used commands. Vagrant's CLI documentation is available in this URL and it is really easy to read. Centos7 with Samba, Windbind and AD support.